Available courses
Orientation to KEMI eLearning
Unit 1: Digital Literacy for Learning
This orientation module is a general introduction to using the KEMI
eLearning Site based on Moodle Learning Management System. In this
module, you will be provided with practice activities and demonstrations
of the types of online activities your trainer may ask you to
participate in during your study.
ESL4JSS Community Hub
Unit 1: Digital Literacy for Learning
This online space has been created to introduce you to our Facilitators, training program and assessments, and most importantly your peers. Each one of you will create ePortfolios of your journey to become more effective Leaders. A rubric will be provided to guide you on choosing a level of excellence you wish to strive to achieve.
Unit 1 - Digital Literacy for Learning
Unit 1: Digital Literacy for Learning
This course is designed to help you learn about the concept of ICT integration in education , the challenges that schools. It also covers Assistive Technologies that promote inclusive education, best practices in ICT integration, and the role of school leaders in encouraging the use of ICTs in education
2A - Competency Based Curriculum (CBC) Implementation
Unit 2: CBC Implementation
This unit covers the overview of BECF, interpretation of curriculum designs, professional documents, learner centred learning approaches, Competency Based Assessment, institutional based Continuous Professional Development (CPD), inclusive learning and the role of school leaders in the implementation of CBC in JSS.
Unit 2B - Curriculum Design and Lesson Plans
Unit 2: CBC Implementation
This unit examines the subjects covered in JSS and the pre-vocational level.It also covers the learning outcomes of the middles school and pre-vocational levels. Further, this unit covers the curriculum design and professional documents for teachers such as schemes of work, lesson plans and records of work.
Unit 2C - Competency Based Learning and Assessment
Unit 2: CBC Implementation
This course will cover integrating competency based learner approaches, varied leaner pedagogy, competency based assessments, the principles guiding assessments, assessments for learners with special needs and the role of school leaders in assessments.
Unit 2D - Professional Development
Unit 2: CBC Implementation
As a school leader, it is important to be committed to ongoing learning and improving for every school employee. This course will discuss the concept of IBCPD, purpose of IBCPD, opportunities that support IBCPD, strategies for the implementation of IBCPD in schools, IBCPD cycle and IBCPD.
Unit 2E - Inclusive Learning
Unit 2: CBC Implementation
This course will cover inclusive learning, the differentiated learning strategies and approaches. It will also cover the role of school leaders in supporting the implementation of CBC in JSS by involving all the stakeholdres.
3A - Learner Support Programmes
Unit 3: Learner Support Programmes
This unit covers Parental Empowerment and Engagement, the role of parents and CBC guidelines on parental empowerment and engagement. It also covers value-based education, community and religious programs and how to engage parents in value-based education.
3B - Learner Support Programmes
Unit 3: Learner Support Programmes
This is the second part of Unit 3 on Learner Support Programmes (LSPs). This course covers different topics on Community Service Learning, Career Guidance, Citizenship Education, Environmental Education and non-formal programmes.
Unit 4A - Effective Resource Management
Unit 4: Effective Resource Management
In this Unit, we shall delve into three critical components: the strategic plan, annual work plan, and school improvement plans. A carefully crafted strategic plan is essential for a school's success, setting a clear vision, fostering teacher clarity, and enhancing accountability.
Unit 4B -Financial Literacy
Unit 4: Effective Resource Management
This unit covers financial management in schools and explores the policy and legal frameworks in Kenya that focus on values like openness, integrity, and accountability. It will also cover the Public Finance Management Act which play a pivotal role in guaranteeing the effective utilisation of government resources.
Unit 4C - Procurement Policies and Guidelines
Unit 4: Effective Resource Management
In this course, we will explore the Public Procurement and Asset Disposal Act of 2015 and the 2020 Regulations and involvement of school leaders in expenditures, the function of oversight committees, effective store management, and the significance of maintaining inventory for accurate accounting and accountability.
Unit 5A - Psychosocial Support for Learners
Unit 5: Learner and Teacher Welfare
Learner and staff welfare in a school significantly impact educational outcomes and daily operations. School leaders play a crucial role in promoting the welfare of learners and teachers. This unit covers Psychosocial Support for Learners, guidance and counselling as well as mentorship for learners.
Unit 5B - School Health and Safety
Unit 5: Learner and Teacher Welfare
Many learners are affected by serious, yet easily treatable and preventable illnesses which inhibit their ability to learn. This necessitates an urge for JSSs to understand their critical role in managing health, nutrition and safety issues in their schools thereby enhancing academic performance and the overall well-being of students.
Unit 5C - Staff Management
Unit 5: Learner and Teacher Welfare
Staff management is about supervising and guiding employees for efficiency in performance. It is a critical function in human resource management. It ensures and drives smoother workflow, effectiveness, and productivity in an institution.
Unit 6A: Legal & policy framework for JSS
Unit 6: Institutional Governance
To enable an institution to meet goals and produce desired results, institutional governance consists of a variety of internal procedures that are aligned to legal requirements. This course will introduce you to the procedures of developing and implementing the curriculum, managing the welfare of students and staff, providing physical facilities, and forging relationships with the community.
Unit 6B - Institutional Based Quality Assurance
Unit 6: Institutional Governance
This course covers the Importance of Institutional Based Quality Assurance in Promoting Quality Education. Quality education focuses on the development of learners in various aspects such as social, emotional, mental, physical, and cognitive. To achieve this, schools need adequate infrastructure, relevant curriculum, and staff.
Unit 6C - Data Management
Unit 6: Institutional Governance
Effective school decision-making relies on timely and accurate data from various sources, including parents, students, and teachers. Topics covered include data capture, NEMIS, assessment data management, and data security.
ESL4JS-C2 Community Hub
Unit 1: Digital Literacy for Learning
This online space has been created to introduce you to our Facilitators, training program and assessments, and most importantly your peers. Each one of you will create ePortfolios of your journey to become more effective Leaders. A rubric will be provided to guide you on choosing a level of excellence you wish to strive to achieve.
Unit 1 - Digital Literacy for Learning -C2
Unit 1: Digital Literacy for Learning
This course is designed to help you learn about the concept of ICT integration in education , the challenges that schools. It also covers Assistive Technologies that promote inclusive education, best practices in ICT integration, and the role of school leaders in encouraging the use of ICTs in education
2A - Competency Based Education (CBE) Implementation-C2
Unit 2: CBE Implementation
This unit covers the overview of BECF, interpretation of curriculum designs, professional documents, learner centred learning approaches, Competency Based Assessment, institutional based Continuous Professional Development (CPD), inclusive learning and the role of school leaders in the implementation of CBC in JSS.
Unit 2B - Curriculum Design and Lesson Plans-C2
Unit 2: CBE Implementation
This unit examines the subjects covered in JSS and the pre-vocational level.It also covers the learning outcomes of the middles school and pre-vocational levels. Further, this unit covers the curriculum design and professional documents for teachers such as schemes of work, lesson plans and records of work.
Unit 2C - Competency Based Learning and Assessment-C2
Unit 2: CBE Implementation
This course will cover integrating competency based learner approaches, varied leaner pedagogy, competency based assessments, the principles guiding assessments, assessments for learners with special needs and the role of school leaders in assessments.
Unit 2D - Professional Development-C2
Unit 2: CBE Implementation
As a school leader, it is important to be committed to ongoing learning and improving for every school employee. This course will discuss the concept of IBCPD, purpose of IBCPD, opportunities that support IBCPD, strategies for the implementation of IBCPD in schools, IBCPD cycle and IBCPD.
Unit 2E - Inclusive Learning-C2
Unit 2: CBE Implementation
This course will cover inclusive learning, the differentiated learning strategies and approaches. It will also cover the role of school leaders in supporting the implementation of CBC in JSS by involving all the stakeholdres.
3A - Learner Support Programmes -C2
Unit 3: Learner Support Programmes
This unit covers Parental Empowerment and Engagement, the role of parents and CBC guidelines on parental empowerment and engagement. It also covers value-based education, community and religious programs and how to engage parents in value-based education.
3B - Learner Support Programmes -C2
Unit 3: Learner Support Programmes
This is the second part of Unit 3 on Learner Support Programmes (LSPs). This course covers different topics on Community Service Learning, Career Guidance, Citizenship Education, Environmental Education and non-formal programmes.
Unit 4A - Effective Resource Management -C2
Unit 4: Effective Resource Management
In this Unit, we shall delve into three critical components: the strategic plan, annual work plan, and school improvement plans. A carefully crafted strategic plan is essential for a school's success, setting a clear vision, fostering teacher clarity, and enhancing accountability.
Unit 4B -Financial Literacy -C2
Unit 4: Effective Resource Management
This unit covers financial management in schools and explores the policy and legal frameworks in Kenya that focus on values like openness, integrity, and accountability. It will also cover the Public Finance Management Act which play a pivotal role in guaranteeing the effective utilisation of government resources.
Unit 5A - Psychosocial Support for Learners -C2
Unit 5: Learner and Teacher Welfare
Learner and staff welfare in a school significantly impact educational outcomes and daily operations. School leaders play a crucial role in promoting the welfare of learners and teachers. This unit covers Psychosocial Support for Learners, guidance and counselling as well as mentorship for learners.
Unit 5B - School Health and Safety-C2
Unit 5: Learner and Teacher Welfare
Many learners are affected by serious, yet easily treatable and preventable illnesses which inhibit their ability to learn. This necessitates an urge for JSs to understand their critical role in managing health, nutrition and safety issues in their schools thereby enhancing academic performance and the overall well-being of students.
Unit 6A: Legal & policy framework for JS-C2
Unit 6: Institutional Governance
To enable an institution to meet goals and produce desired results, institutional governance consists of a variety of internal procedures that are aligned to legal requirements. This course will introduce you to the procedures of developing and implementing the curriculum, managing the welfare of students and staff, providing physical facilities, and forging relationships with the community.
Unit 6B - Institutional Based Quality Assurance -C2
Unit 6: Institutional Governance
This course covers the Importance of Institutional Based Quality Assurance in Promoting Quality Education. Quality education focuses on the development of learners in various aspects such as social, emotional, mental, physical, and cognitive. To achieve this, schools need adequate infrastructure, relevant curriculum, and staff.
Unit 1 - ICT Integration in Learning -C3
Unit 1: ICT Integration in Learning
This course is designed to help you learn about the concept of ICT integration in education , the challenges that schools. It also covers Assistive Technologies that promote inclusive education, best practices in ICT integration, and the role of school leaders in encouraging the use of ICTs in education
Orientation to KEMI eLearning -C3
Unit 1: ICT Integration in Learning
This orientation module is a general introduction to using the KEMI eLearning Site based on Moodle Learning Management System. In this module, you will be provided with practice activities and demonstrations of the types of online activities your trainer may ask you to participate in during your study.
ESL4JS-C3 Community Hub
Unit 1: ICT Integration in Learning
This online space has been created to introduce you to our Facilitators, training program and assessments, and most importantly your peers. Each one of you will create ePortfolios of your journey to become more effective Leaders. A rubric will be provided to guide you on choosing a level of excellence you wish to strive to achieve.
Unit 2E - Inclusive Learning-C3
Unit 2: Curriculum Implementation Support
This course will cover inclusive learning, the differentiated learning strategies and approaches. It will also cover the role of school leaders in supporting the implementation of CBC in JSS by involving all the stakeholdres.
Unit 2D - Professional Development-C3
Unit 2: Curriculum Implementation Support
As a school leader, it is important to be committed to ongoing learning and improving for every school employee. This course will discuss the concept of IBCPD, purpose of IBCPD, opportunities that support IBCPD, strategies for the implementation of IBCPD in schools, IBCPD cycle and IBCPD.
Unit 2C - Competency Based Learning and Assessment-C3
Unit 2: Curriculum Implementation Support
This course will cover integrating competency based learner approaches, varied leaner pedagogy, competency based assessments, the principles guiding assessments, assessments for learners with special needs and the role of school leaders in assessments.
Unit 2B - Curriculum Design and Lesson Plans-C3
Unit 2: Curriculum Implementation Support
This unit examines the subjects covered in JSS and the pre-vocational level.It also covers the learning outcomes of the middles school and pre-vocational levels. Further, this unit covers the curriculum design and professional documents for teachers such as schemes of work, lesson plans and records of work.
2A - Curriculum Implementation Support-C3
Unit 2: Curriculum Implementation Support
This unit covers the overview of BECF, interpretation of curriculum designs, professional documents, learner centred learning approaches, Competency Based Assessment, institutional based Continuous Professional Development (CPD), inclusive learning and the role of school leaders in the implementation of CBC in JSS.
3A - Learner Support Programmes -C3
Unit 3: Learner Support Programmes
This unit covers Parental Empowerment and Engagement, the role of parents and CBC guidelines on parental empowerment and engagement. It also covers value-based education, community and religious programs and how to engage parents in value-based education.
Unit 6A: Legal & policy framework for JS-C3
Unit 6: Institutional Governance
To enable an institution to meet goals and produce desired results, institutional governance consists of a variety of internal procedures that are aligned to legal requirements. This course will introduce you to the procedures of developing and implementing the curriculum, managing the welfare of students and staff, providing physical facilities, and forging relationships with the community.
Unit 6B - Institutional Based Quality Assurance -C3
Unit 6: Institutional Governance
This course covers the Importance of Institutional Based Quality Assurance in Promoting Quality Education. Quality education focuses on the development of learners in various aspects such as social, emotional, mental, physical, and cognitive. To achieve this, schools need adequate infrastructure, relevant curriculum, and staff.
Unit 6C - Data Management -C3
Unit 6: Institutional Governance
Effective school decision-making relies on timely and accurate data from various sources, including parents, students, and teachers. Topics covered include data capture, NEMIS/KEMIS, assessment data management, and data security.
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